Carla van Loon (English)
I’m a Licensed Professional Integrative psychotherapist, working with adults. My private practise is based in The Netherlands. I have trained in multiple modalities such as: Hypnotherapy, EMDR, and Mindfulness practices. I also have a specialty, and advanced training, treating trauma. My focus is looking at the body, the mind, and the soul as an integrated whole.
I work with people who feel sad, lonely, angry, have experienced a recent loss or life transition, and those who seek to find meaning and purpose.
Couples counselling: the focus is on the patterns of interaction and the underlying vulnerabilities, searching for a way out of their negative cycle. Life events can influence the relation, for example illness, grief or a family difficulty.
I have been a lecturer at Avans University, Social Work. Hands on teaching, no research obligations. And I’m faculty member of a private college, BGL, counselling and therapy studies.
See the trailer of the TV program I made about refugees.
I’m a volunteer at Join (support for homeless) and Impact (early childhood support).
Study and training:
1995 – 1999:
Bachelor of Social Work, Avans University
MBA Masterclass Coaching, NCOI Business School
Post bachelor study about “Presence and care”, by Prof A. Baart, Stichting Presentie. Professor Andries Baart is an Extraordinary Professor, at North-West University, and Professor at the University of the Humanities, the Netherlands
Training in bodywork, Atma instituut
Post Bachelor study, of 1 year in counselling, BGL
Training in medical base knowledge, BGL
Post bachelor study of 3 years, integrative psychotherapy, BGL
Integrative psychotherapy is based on a holistic perspective that the body, mind, and spirit are not separate, but rather integrated parts of a whole person. Attachment theory, NLP, Mindfulness, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Positive psychology
Training Family Consellation, Vidarte
Systemic Family Constellations. In a single session, a Family Constellation reveals unrecognized systemic dynamics between family members.
Training Emotional Freedom Technique, BiVT
A technique that helps with stress relief, valuable in treating trauma
Training about attachment theory, family therapy, Hupper
Training EMDR, BIVT
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
Training trauma therapy, Parabel
Training Communication patterns during a parental divorce, BiVT
Trauma Informed Care, Trauma Informed Oregon
Suicide prevention training, ECB
Postgraduate Family Therapy, Interactie Academie Antwerpen, UCL Leuven
Training Family Therapy, complex trauma, Interactie Academie Antwerpen.
Working with trance, in Narrative psychotherapy, School voor Systeemtherapie, Bunde.
Polyvagal theory, Deb Dana.
Justice-Doing, Vikki Reynolds.
Healing the fragmented selves of trauma survivors. Janina Fisher.